First day of the 8th The Brazil Conference & Expo addresses the importance of the Fruit, Vegetables and Legumes sector meeting the needs of the new generations

First day of the 8th The Brazil Conference & Expo addresses the importance of the Fruit, Vegetables and Legumes sector meeting the needs of the new generations

Latin America’s leading trade fair for fresh produce runs until tomorrow, October 8, at Expo Center Norte in São Paulo

The scenarios and opportunities for the Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables and Greens (FFLV) industry were debated on Wednesday morning, 7, during the first day of the 8th The Brazil Conference & Expo. Talks given by Cathy Burns, CEO of the IFPA (International Fresh Produce Association), and João Branco, professor and marketing columnist, highlighted the importance of understanding the needs of generations, such as Z, linked to healthy and sustainable agendas.

The event was kicked off by Valeska Oliveira, IFPA Country Manager and Head of Products at Francal, who celebrated the presence of almost a thousand participants during the opening. “I’m celebrating this edition and already thinking about the next ones to come. Have a great time! This is how we do business in the FFLV sector: with joy, connection and uncomplicated interaction,” she said.

A abertura também contou com a presença de autoridades do setor, como o secretário executivo da Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento de São Paulo, Edson Fernandes. Para ele, a feira reflete a importância da fruticultura no país, alavancando o Estado de São Paulo para um aumento significativo para a cadeia produtiva e para a economia local.

“Parabenizo os expositores pela determinação e excelente trabalho que estão fazendo em nossa região e na fruticultura brasileira. Que o setor se torne cada vez mais pujante e representativo para os produtores, distribuidores e para toda a logística presente”, ressaltou Fernandes, que enfatizou ainda as ações para a ampliação da produção de frutas vermelhas e outros cultivos sensíveis para o Estado, junto à Coordenadoria de Assistência Técnica Integral (Cati), da Secretaria.

Nas palestras que seguiram o início da conferência, Cathy Burns, CEO da IFPA, apresentou visão do Cenário da Indústria no Brasil enfatizando o uso de novas tecnologias, como a Inteligência Artificial (IA), para otimizar toda a cadeia produtiva até chegar ao consumidor.

In fact, according to the executive, “due to the extreme climate changes that the world has been going through, agriculture must be pushed beyond its limits”, from the product to the packaging, since the concern of the new generations to preserve the planet has become increasingly latent. “In a global survey carried out by IFPA, we found that 68% of consumers associate sustainability with agriculture,” he said.

Adaptation, personalization, renewal and innovation continued in the lecture Desmarketize yourself! The new marketing doesn’t look like marketing, by João Branco. The professional focused on the importance of the market meeting the needs and pains of each customer. “The new marketing comes as a help to the customer. Every business problem starts with the solution of understanding them,” he said. Branco also considered that the search for a connection with the public, across generations, is what makes market change happen.

The main FFLV business event in Latin America, which includes a conference in the morning and an exhibition accompanied by debates in the afternoon, runs until tomorrow, the 8th, in the Yellow Pavilion of Expo Center Norte.


For the first time, the event has a space dedicated to international exhibitors who stand out among the world’s showcases in the FFLV sector. Companies from China, Chile and the United States are part of the International Pavilion, which aims to help the sector in Brazil, especially when it comes to importing and exporting fresh products.

Relevant debates and constructive exchanges

Whether at IFPA Talks, in the trade fair environment or at the conference, lectures, debates and exchanges of knowledge are at the heart of the activities at The Brazil Conference & Expo, to broaden horizons and help with future decision-making. Check out the agenda for what’s still to come:

IFPA Talks

August 7

From 14h to 14h40

Panel: Challenges and opportunities from the perspective of FFLV production and distribution

Mediation: Giampaolo Buso – CEO of Paripassu.

Participants: Bruno Benassi – Director of the Benassi Group; Fernando Campanha – President of the JFC Group; Ricardo Capellaro – President of the Capellaro Agricultural Cooperative.

From 15h to 15h40

Talk: Bananas on the Brazilian table

Izabela Dolabela – Chef at It.Kitchen, ambassador for Le Cordon Bleu Brasil and Professional Masterchef.

From 16h to 16h40

Panel: The campaign to sell more FFLV in retail

Participants: Charles Rozenbaum – Supply Chain Director at Palato Supermarket; Christianno Sanguinetti – Commercial Director at Sam’s Club Brasil; Dal Gomes – Marketing and Membership Coordinator at IFPA.

From 17h to 17h40

Panel: Good practices for the valorization of FFLV in food retailing

Mediation: Giampaolo BusoCEO of Paripassu.

Participants: Jean Felipe Chioratto De Oliveira – Commercial Manager at Covabra Supermercados; José Barbosa Júnior – Commercial and Development Director for Perishables at Plurix; Marina De Norman Et D’audenhove – Commercial Manager for HTF and Flowers at Supermercado Zona Sul S/A; Nilson Gasconi – Business Development at GS1 Brasil.

August 8

From 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Panel: Making the circular economy of agricultural plastic viable.
I plasticize, we recycle!

Andrés da Silva – Consultant and founding partner of EACEA.

From 14h to 14h40

Panel: Revolutionizing People Management: Experiences in the FFLV Sector

Participation: Dal Gomes – Marketing and Membership Coordinator at IFPA; Julio Aoki – Ceo at Da Santa; Leonardo Lourenço – Ceo at Extrafruti; Paulo Dantas – Ceo at Agrodan.

From 15h to 15h40

Talk: Tax planning for the fruit and vegetable sector and reimbursement of PIS/COFINS credits

With Arnibo Braatz Júnior – Managing Partner of Audax Consultoria Tributária.

From 16h to 16h40

Panel: Ready-made salads: Sustainability, practicality and healthiness

Participants: Manoel Oliveira – Executive Director of Ibrahort; Paulo Schincariol – President of CNVEG and Director of Ibrahort; Stefan Adriaan Coppelmans – Founding Partner of La Vita Alimentos.

From 17h to 17h40

Panel: Flower Market Trends: What lies ahead and how can I improve the profitability of my business?

Mediation: Francisco Homsi – Vice-President and CCO of Rede Oba Hortifruti.

Participation: Jorge Possato – Ceo of the Veiling Cooperative; Milton Hummel – General Director of Cooperflora and president of the Flowers and Ornamental Plants Sector Chamber of the Map.


August 8

From 9:30 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.

Lecture: Fresh Insights: Revealing trends and their impact on retail

Darren Seifer, Executive Director and Food Trends expert at Circana; Samuel Vânio Costa Júnior, CEO of Grupo Enxuto.

From 10:30 a.m. to 11:10 a.m.

Lecture: The Future of Retail: How AI humanizes and personalizes the FFLV consumer experience

Arthur Igreja, business mentor and author of the best-seller “Convenience is the name of the business”.


Registration is available on the event website, with options for the full experience at the 8th The Brazil Conference & Expo or just a visit to the fair. IFPA members get a 50% discount and professionals from supermarkets and food service chains can register for all the event’s attractions free of charge. More information by e-mail: or by telephone: (11) 2226-3100.


The Brazil Conference & Expo – IFPA

8th International Trade Fair for the Fruit, Flower, Vegetable and Produce Industry

8ª Produce and Floral International Trade Show

Date: August 7th and 8th, 2024
Time: Conference from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. | Exhibition from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Venue: Expo Center Norte – Yellow Pavilion, São Paulo.

Sobre a The Brazil Conference & Expo

The Brazil Conference & Expo is the most important business event for the Fruit, Flower, Vegetable and Greens (FFLV) industry in Latin America and highlights innovations in products, packaging and technologies, providing an environment conducive to networking, which moves the entire industry in the segment every year. The event is held by IFPA (International Fresh Produce Association), the largest and most diversified international association serving the entire fruit, flower, vegetable and greens supply chain, and organized by Francal, the largest 100% Brazilian business event promoter, with an extensive range of products and services in a single location.

Information for the press:

Ludmila Santana (61) 99945-3642
André Guerra (11) 99674-7758
Jorge Valério (11) 99822-9013

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